DUO Short Film Captures
A futuristic short film playing on the dualities of acceptable character within society. An eleven year old, receives his first Ally Duo virtual assistant set. However, when he tries to go against The Manual, he finds himself at odds with his parents and society as a whole.
Logo, branding and prop product packaging created for the short film appearing in title sequence, throughout the film, production materials, marketing materials and more.
Selected Works
Index Spacephotography, art direction, set design
ThirdLove Holidayart direction
Good LinesPhotography, Art Direction
Surreal BazaarPhotography, Art Direction
Sephora Luxe LipArt Direction
Sephora SkincareArt Direction
Sephora MakeupArt Direction
ohiiDesign, Branding, Interactive
Juniper KidsArt Direction, Photography, Set Design
Ari DriveDesign, Branding, Interactive
Quaker City ShrubsArt Direction, Photography, Set Design
Urban Outfitters HolidayArt Direction, Set Design
YowieDesign, Photography, Set Design
Lo-Fi AperitifsArt Direction, Photography, Set Design
HipCityVegBranding, Interactive
Ladies, Wine & DesignArt Direction, Photography, Set Design